Personalized Counseling for Professional Success.
We offer a multi-pronged approach to counseling, working with our clients to achieve the illusive “work-life balance”
Each client receives an individualized plan catered to their needs and goals. Sessions can range from problem-solving a specific issue in one session, to creating an ongoing psychological treatment plan. Clients are not tied to one model, as sessions are always readily available through their employer. We use a combination of the following services to help our clients reach their goals.
Individual Therapy
Taking care of mental health is as important as physical health. Mental wellbeing impacts how we think, feel and act. If affects our relationships, work and ability to cope with stress. We offer confidential individualized therapy on your time, by a qualified clinician.
Performance Management
With performance management, clients will focus on improving productivity, efficiency and overall job satisfaction. By developing key skills, optimizing time management and fostering a growth mindset, individuals can achieve higher quality results and greater consistency in their work.
Career Consulting
We offer valuable guidance in navigating professional challenges or overcoming obstacles at work. Career consulting empowers individuals to advance their career and find greater fulfillment in their professional lives; benefiting not only the individual but also contributing to a more positive, successful and collaborative workplace.
Overall Mental Wellness
Do you just need an impartial sounding board? Or recommendations for stress relief? Support through a turbulent time in your life? While therapy may seem unnecessary to some, everyone can use a person in their corner from time to time. When appropriate, we make referrals to outside providers or recommend additional resources.
The difficulty of finding a qualified therapist can be barrier to entry. By providing employees with access to expert mental health and professional performance services, employers can foster stronger employer-employee relationships, greater workplace satisfaction, and increased productivity.